Hydrate Drip $80

Balances your body with fluids and electrolytes


  • The most vital element your body needs for optimal functionality is hydration. IV fluids provide instant hydration and have been the go-to treatment for dehydration in the medical industry for decades.

AfterParty Drip $180

Hangover cure to get you back on track and back to life

  • Stop letting hangovers keep you down and out. With our Afterparty Drip, you can press rewind on your burn out. Remedy your hangover with a high dose of fluids and vitamins that rehydrate and detoxify cells, plus anti-nausea meds that alleviate discomfort and distress.

Rx Drip $220

Aids in wound healing from surgery or injury

  • The RX Drip is just what the doctor ordered. This Drip will increase your chances for faster recovery from surgery or injury. It will provide your body with an immediate boost – containing a mix of essential vitamins, hydration, and pain relievers.

Migrane Buster $190

Releases the migraine’s powerful grip on your life!

  • The Migraine Buster Drip is a key to freedom from headache jail. This Drip will have you back to normal and ready to take on the world. It provides immediate pain relief, as well as vitamin and mineral-enriched hydration, for the long term.

Flugettaboutit Drip $200

Send the flu to sleep with the fishes!

  • This Drip will help you avoid the flu virus mafia. Don’t get extorted into avoiding life this flu season…just Flugettaboutit.

Fitness Drip $200

Muscle and fitness enhancement to achieve maximum output and recovery

  • Specially formulated for athletes and clients that want to train and recover faster – our Fitness Drip provides a concentrated dose of amino acids and vitamins, which produce rapid results and support the rebuilding of muscles. Use this Drip as a pre-endurance boost or post-workout recovery.

Myers Drip $150

The original vitamin Drip that started it all, and still stays strong

  • Whether you are looking for a boost to your immune system or looking for a quick way to enhance your energy, this Drip is a great option! It has also been known to alleviate a number of conditions such as migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, and menstrual cramps.

Beauty Drip $180

Tightens and brightens to help turn back time from the inside out

  • The Beauty Drip enhances youthful appearance by generating a healthy glow and improved skin complexion. Your skin benefits greatly from hydration and vitamins like vitamin C to restore collagen levels and stimulate elastin – which is exactly what this Drip is formulated to do!

VIP Drip $225

The Maybach, Rolls Royce, and Lamborghini of Drips!

  • The Maybach, Rolls Royce, and Lamborghini of Drips! If we could use a crystal bag and fill it with gold flakes…we would. If you prefer top-of-the-line, then this is just your choice Drip.

The Resolution Drip $210

Got Goals?

  • The Resolution Drip combines the best of our Beauty and Fitness Drips to get you there looking good. The NFL has banned the use of PEDs, but this Performance Enhancing Drip will keep you in the game! Resolve to WIN, and let us help.

Detox Drip $100

Assists in removing toxins, relieving stress, and improving well-being

  • If you’re feeling fatigued, your body could be overrun with toxins. The Detox Drip focuses on the liver – the powerhouse of your detoxification system. This Drip will assist in clearing the toxins and keeping your liver healthy and operating at its full potential!

Apple a Day Drip $190

Stimulates immune system and promotes a healthy body

  • If you’re feeling vulnerable to that bug going around and want to avoid downtime, this drip is your answer! Our essential blend of vitamins and minerals will stimulate your body’s defenses, and help your body crush any germs it encounters!

The Restore Drip $210

Support your body when recovering from an illness

  • Getting over a cold, flu or other more serious virus? Feeling run down and nothing seems to help? Give your body the support it needs to restore your health with this drip. Formulated at the request of clients looking for help with covid-19 recovery, the Restore Drip is one of our most popular.